Since I will not be finishing any books by tomorrow evening, it's time to draw this year's 50 books in a year challenge to a close!
From April 8, 2007-April 8, 2008, I read 37 books (no, not 50, but this year I had my toddler to care for, added a new baby to the family, worked full time much of the year, moved, and completed major renovations to our new house--I think I did well ;-). I ended up with 14,326 pages. I gave myself zero credit for all of the Newsweek, Mother Earth News and Smithsonian magazines I've read cover to cover. I attributed the big increase this year to the fact that we ditched TV in July and that I finally took the time to get a library card.
The link to "50 Books In A Year" on the left goes to the list of what I've read and my short review of each book. It will stay active until I finish my next book, and then it will switch to the next year's books. That post was written August 30, 2007 (if you're looking for it and the link's already changed)
Just to sum it up for myself:
30 books
8,222 pages
37 books
14,326 pages
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