Saturday, July 25, 2009

Driest in the Nation

Well we're just on a record making roll, now aren't we? Apparently Texas is the driest state in the nation! Highlights from the linked article:
  • 77 of our 254 counties are in extreme or exceptional drought and no other state has even one county in one of those categories
  • In the San Antonio-Austin area, there have been 36 days with 100+ degree temps this year (average is 12)
  • Lake Travis in Austin is down 54%
  • The Edwards Aquifer (San Antonio) is in the midst of its driest 23-month period since recording began (in 1885)
Here's the drought map. Our county is in the "extreme" area, but the "exceptional" area is just one county over:

1 comment:

Dr. White said...

Looks like you're gonna have to move north a bit...may I suggest Oklahoma? ;-)

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