Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Back to Baking

Recently, the big girls helped me do some baking. We made Mini Gingerbread Cakes (which only need half the amount of frosting they tell you to make) and Chocolate Cupcakes with Peppermint Buttercream Frosting (which need the batter doubled to make bigger cupcakes)

I forgot was too busy eating to take a picture of the final product


Mandi said...

what do you use to frost b/c yours look so perfect!

The Hills said...

Ummm.........those I just did with a ziploc baggie with the corner cut off ;-p I only get out all the cake decorating bags/couplings/tips if I'm doing a whole cake or a lot of cookies. It's all about getting the right consistency for the frosting.

Anonymous said...

Ok so this is not baking but you live in snow country and the girls can make Snow Cream.

Exact measurements are not important

Start with the nectar and keep it outside in the snow till needed again or in the fridge.

1 Big 24oz Jar
1 can condensed Milk
1 can evaporated milk or a pint of Half & Half
some sugar to taste maybe 2 Tbs.and say a tsp of vanilla or more just taste it. Now do the shake shake shake dance

Put a few scoops of fluffy snow in a bowl or cup Pour a little of the cream at a time over the fluffy snow. Add more cream and stir till it is as thick as you like or My kids used to like it thin and suck it up with a straw
of course the cominations are enless but it's really very good and the kids have a really good time with it


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