Thursday, September 20, 2007

Home again, home again...

You'd think our lives would slow down when we have a baby, but no, we seem to be missing that bit of common sense. Let's see, in the 8 weeks since Sedona was born, we have completely ripped out and rebuilt the kitchen (still no paint on the walls or trim up where needed, but the rest is now done), Josh was gone 3 days to ref the Austin Labor Day Cup, he was gone 4 days to attend the ASR conference, we've built the new garden, the floor and framing for a shed, I've returned to full time work, we've started running and biking again, and I just returned from 3 days in Austin for a training.

The instructor of the course I went to was happy to have a newborn in the class, so just Sedona and I went (in the past, Josh has come along to do "daddy daycare" in between nursings). It was mentally relaxing because I didn't have a three year old around and therefore didn't have to say, "no"; "get off that"; "smaller bites" or "walk please!" 50 times a day. Physically though, it was rough not having anyone to pass Sedona off to for all that time. Since I was driving, I had to actually pull over anytime she wanted to nurse (when normally, I'd just lean over the carseat so she could nurse without us stopping---that's a big safety no, no and I'm setting a bad example, don't do it). Whenever I went to eat, I had to juggle getting my food and her since I didn't have anyone to sit at the table and watch her, etc, etc, etc... It was a neat trip though. I made a stop at the milk bank where I participated in a study (that will ideally lead to the flame retardant chemicals that are currently used in matresses, pj's, etc.. being banned), dropped off my first 100oz of milk, picked up more containers to collect milk in, and got a cute milk bank t-shirt for Sedona. The training I went to didn't have too terribly much info I didn't already know, but was a fan-tabulous networking opportunity and of course the few new things you do learn always make it worth it.

Sierra had a little trouble with us being gone (pretty much she only missed Sedona, not me), but overall she did fine being home with daddy. In a week and a half we're all loadin' up and truckin' it to Amarillo for a conference. I don't think I'd recognize a free moment if it was staring me in the face....


Brandy said...

Wow! Ya'll have been busy! Time to slow down and take a deep breath! WTG - you're doing a great job handling two kids, a job and all the other activities! I'm impressed!

IamtheMom said...

I am glad someone else can lean over the carseat to nurse@!!!@

Rebecca said...

Goodness gracious girl! You put any thought that I had about being a multi-tasker to SHAME!!! :)

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